Professional Carpet Cleaning Illawarra
Steam or Dry Clean
We offer different carpet cleaning methods to suit many different requirements.
Stain Removal
Toilet training? Birthday party? We spot-treat specific stains to get them gone for good.
Odour Removal
Pets, cigarette smoke, and cooking cause smells that cling to soft furnishings like carpets.
Water Damage & Insurance Claims
Water damage can lead to bigger issues such as mould growth. Early action is key!
Call our local Illawarra Carpet Cleaning Service
Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
While regular vacuuming removes a lot of particle matter from your carpets, it doesn't remove oils and liquids from soaking into the fibres. Most domestic vacuum cleaners aren't powerful enough to really draw much particulate matter from carpets, particularly those with a longer pile. The dirt we collect on the bottoms of our shoes, our pets paws or even the undersides of our bags, gets transferred to the carpet and accumulates over time. This, combined with hair, dead skin cells and general dust creates a haven for bacteria and dust mites to thrive in our carpet. Not only will having your carpets professional cleaned make them look and smell better, but you will create a healthier environment for your family to live in.
- Removes visible staining
- Eliminates unpleasant odours
- Improves overall Appearance
- Sanitises and Removes Bacteria
- Improved Air Quality
- Reduced Allergies
- Prolongs life of carpet
- Increase Potential Sale Price
- Protects Bond on Rentals
- Safer Environment for Babies or Young Children Playing on Floor